A rant on girl power.

Wow, it has been a while. I wasn't planning on writing anything but this sort of just happened. I'm going to just dive into this because this is a serious and important topic to me and this is a rant so there is not much organization.

 The media has a large influence on how we think, especially when it comes to females. Stereotypically women are perceived to be gorgeous. In commercials one or more gorgeous women surround a sole man. These women do not tend to have any lines, and essentially the commercials are trying to say women are meant to be seen but not heard. In multiple movies and television shows women are either beautiful or smart, more often than not intellect and beauty does not mix. The intellectual women might be pretty, but the beautiful female seems flawless and seems less intelligent when you compare the two. Intelligence is not portrayed as “sexy" as the female who is intelligent may not fit the definition of “sexy". When in reality who would you rather spend your time with someone who can keep a conversation going, or someone who is attractive? The honest truth is that we all sort of want a bit of both, but the options portrayed in the media is mainly either or. I'm in no way bashing the media for this though because there are shows where a women is both smart and beautiful, I am just trying to make a point. Thus, the next time you are watching a show look for these stereotypes, as they are there and just acknowledge them.

 The clothes one chooses to wear also has been given labels. If a female decides to shows skin she is labelled as “slutty", but when a male is shirtless there is no negative notions associated with it. Why is that? Is it wrong for a female to expose a little bit of skin as long as it is tasteful? I personally do not think so, as long as the person is comfortable with it and they feel confident, why should it matter to us? It shouldn't matter to us. Also when people use the, “she dresses like a slut, so she deserved it" comment that is utterly wrong. No one deserves to be mistreated because of what they wear, females are not asking to be raped by showing skin. We shouldn't feel scared to dress how we want in fear of what may happen to us. But there are messed up people in the world, and it is sad that we do have to fear these incidents. But NO ONE asks to be raped or assaulted by the way the dress. Like for guys the sagged pants originated from prison and essentially means they want to have intimacy, so guys on the streets who sag their pants are they asking for the same? Most likely not, but we do not think about how a guy dresses as much as we think about how a female dresses. So honestly dress how you want and what makes you feel comfortable, don't go around calling girls “sluts" because they are okay with showing skin.

 Girls we are crazy when it comes to love. But it is the 21st century, you do not need to depend on a guy to make you happy. You should love yourself, and not rely on a guy to make you feel pretty or worth it. But so many females do, and if you rely on someone else to define you, when they leave what are you? You are broken because you didn't love yourself enough to be fine without him. As females our whole lives we grow up watching princesses fall in love with princes, and these princes always rescue the damsel in distress. But in real life it doesn't work that way most of the time. If you do not rescue yourself then you are sort of screwed, a prince won't magically appear and save you. I'm not saying you always will have to rescue yourself, you have friends and family who are willing to save you, just don't expect a “prince" to pop out of no where. Some are fortunate to have that prince that does save them just don't become too reliant on them. Be your own person, you don't want to be known as “Insert name's, girlfriend" you want to be known as “insert your name", because you are an individual. Don't make being in a relationship your sole purpose of existence because you really won't be living life, while you wait for a prince.

 Finally, a message to all females. Girls we can not blame males for how we are viewed in society when we can not even support each other. How do we expect to move forward in society when we can't even respect each other. The day we all support each other, and stop bad mouthing each other will be the day we can finally be at the same level of males.

Top Girl Power Songs
1. Who Run The World Girls -Beyoncé
2. Flawless - Beyoncé ft. Nicki Minaj
3. Independant Women - Destiny's Child       (any song with Beyoncé).
4. Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys
5. Mr. Know It All - Kelly Clarkson
6. Stronger - Kelly Clarkson
7. No Scrub
8. Firework - Katy Perry
9. Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
10. Fuckin' Perfect - Pink
11. Raise Your Glass - Pink
12. Fancy- Iggy
13. Fly - Nicki Minaj ft. Rhianna
14. Obsessed - Mariah Carrey
15. Single Ladies - Beyoncé


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